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By members
Urban innovation - 28/10/2014
The UCLG Co-President and Mayor of Guangzhou, Chen Jianhua, will host the Guangzhou Award Ceremony on the occasion of the Guangzhou International Urban Innovation Conference, organized in conjunction with the 2014 China International Friendship Cities Conference, and in the framework of the UCLG World Council meetings. (+)
Annemarie Jorristsma
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Urban Agenda - 20/10/2014
CEMR president, Annemarie Jorritsma, has told Agence Europe of her principal concerns on the cohesion policy, as reported to Commisssioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn and Commission President José Durão Barroso during their meeting. (+)
By members
Local economic development (LED) focuses on enhancing community well-being through improved productivity and competitiveness, and the promotion of inclusive economic growth. Small and Medium-Size Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of ASEAN economies (+)
Turin Localizing the Agenda Post-2015
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Post-2015, Local Governance - 16/10/2014
The Localization of the Post-2015 Agenda global consultation process culminated on the 14th and 15th October with a High Level Global dialogue in Turin attended by eighty representatives of national, regional and local governments, UN agencies, international institutions, civil society organizations (including women, youth, and slum dwellers). (+)
 Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation
By members
The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (Global Partnership) announces a call for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Case Studies. Looking at work being done on the ground, submissions should explain how real projects and/or programs used development co-operation, as defined by the Busan principles. (+)
annual CIB meeting hosted by the German Cities Association
By members
36 participants from 23 local government associations and individual cities took part in the annual CIB meeting hosted by the German Cities Association. Participants shared their latest updates about programmes and projects. (+)
