20-21 March 2014. Berlin
+INFO: www.un.org
The Germany High-Level Symposium is a preparatory meeting for the 2014 Development Cooperation Forum. It will build on conclusions from preceding symposia in Ethiopia and Switzerland. It will enable an open and interactive dialogue with high-level representatives from developing and developed countries, Southern partners, civil society, philanthropic foundations, the private sector, parliamentarians, local governments and international organizations.
The Symposium will examine key concepts of accountability and quality and effectiveness in development cooperation. It will focus specifically on how these concepts could be usefully featured in the design and implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. It will further explore how to engage the increasingly diverse group of development actors in a renewed global partnership for development, in a more coherent, effective and legitimate manner.
For more information check:
- The Meeting Summary Development Cooperation Forum Advisory Group. Montreux, Switzerland
- A Guidance Note for Stakeholders of Development Cooperation
- Development Cooperation Forum Advisory Group Meeting Agenda
- Development Cooperation Forum. Switzerland High-Level Symposium. Official Summary Report