12-14 January 2015. Bangalore
+INFO: unsdsn.org / Bangalore outcome document
The main objectives of the convening are to:
- Take stock of the Campaign in the light of the SGs report (attached) and the timetable and processes in play in the run-up to the SD Summit on 28-30th September 2015, including the mobilisation strategy for the year ahead
- Prepare a roadmap for a possible Mayors and Heads of State convening on an #urbanSDG in September 2015 in New York advance of the SD Summit
- Define a contingency strategy around Goal consolidation, especially in relation to Goal 9 on Resilient Infrastructure
- Complete the reframing of the Goal 11 Targets and indicators and linked ‘urbanisable’ targets of other goals, as input to the Intergovernmental negotiations that start on 19th January in New York. This discussion will be based on the London consultation (report attached), the latest SDSN indicators monitoring framework (attached)
- Accelerate the process of completing the creation of city-level SDG targets and indicators, to make available a public document for the UN Statistical Commission in March 2015
- Explore connections with other ongoing processes in 2015, specifically the Global Conference on DRR in Sendai in March 2015; Financing for Development (FfD) conference in Addis Ababa in July 2015 (background paper attached) and Paris CoP21 in December 2015, and linked preparatory processes in which cities have a role
- Explore steps to connect to the Habitat III agenda, as the Quito dates ( 2016) are out.