The 4th Meeting of the Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth will be held 18th March 2019 and will launch the 4th political outcome document of the Initiative, the Athens Roadmap for Inclusive Growth in Cities, chartering the way forward on how cities can leverage innovation, in particular, public sector – related, technological, and social innovation to bolster their inclusive growth agendas.
The day will kick-off with a lunch reception, followed by a jumpstart session that will interactively dive into the findings of the OECD/Bloomberg Philanthropies 2018 Survey on innovation capacity in cities. The meeting will continue with three rounds of consecutive thematic discussions with mayors featuring experiences of different cities around the world.
On the following day, 19th March 2019, Mayors are invited to the 7th Roundtable of Mayors and Ministers jointly organised by the OECD, the City of Athens and the Greek Ministry of Economy. The Roundtable will centre on how Mayors and Ministers can work in concert, within integrated national urban policies to tackle crosscutting and interconnected megatrends.