12 - 16 September 2016. Durban, South Africa
+ INFO: isocarp.org
The theme “Cities we Have vs. Cities we Need” is conceived as a catalyst to foster trans-disciplinary ways to interpret the past and conceive the future of cities. This requires a reflection on current practice of planning and the making of cities and for the generation of different ways in which the cities we need are created. It calls for sharing of knowledge and practice about cities as well as innovative ways in which desirable cities of the future are created. The theme provides an opportunity to work toward collaborative solutions for the challenges faced by the cities we have in order to create the cities we need in future.
Highlights of the Congress
• High profile planners from over 50 countries worldwide
• Establish new collaborations and friendships
• Present your paper to a huge variety of professionals from the private, public and academic sectors
• Discuss, learn and be updated about the most recent and challenging planning issues faced these days.
• Plenary sessions, concurrent sessions of more than 200 papers, inclusive debates, workshops to acknowledge the interdisciplinary nature of planning
• Social and cultural events - South Africa, a perfect setting in which to debate the future of our rapidly changing urban environments.
• Key track themes will include:
1) Transforming human settlements
2) Active citizenship
3) Planning theory and practice for the next decades
4) Planning and policy during times of uncertainty
5) Intelligent cities for people
6) Planning for an interlinked and integrated rural-urban development