New Dates to be confirmed
The V World Forum of Local Economic Development will be held in Cordoba (Argentina) in 2020, under the heading “Innovation in the territories for a better quality of life”. This is an event co-organized by United Cities and Local Governments, through the UCLG Committee on Local Economic and Social Development, as a member of the International Organizing Committee.
Together with UCLG, are part of this body the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Organization of United Regions (ORU FOGAR), the The Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI), the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE), the Municipality and the Metropolitan City of Turin and the Government of Cape Verde. The National Committee is composed of the Agency for Local Economic Development (ADEC), the Municipality of Córdoba, the Provincial Government and the National Government.
Territorial approach and global vision of the great global challenges
This event has been consolidated, over almost a decade, as a meeting point between governments and networks of governments, multilateral organizations and agencies of the United Nations system. A space for dialogue around the impact of proximity initiatives in the construction of communities that, from the public sphere, seek to respond to the key needs of citizens and draw strategic plans for the planning of the present and the future in all its dimensions. Therefore, it also has the private sector in the generation of productivity, and the articulation with the territory for an economy of the common good.
This 5th edition of the forum that will host the Argentine city of Córdoba, after having toured the cities of Seville (2011), Turin (2015), Foz do Iguacu, (2013) and Praia (2017), will be articulated in 3 thematic axes:
1. The territory as the basis of social, economic and environmental innovation.
2. Territorial economic and productive models to face inequality.
3. The future of work and the work of the future from a territorial perspective.
Each of the thematic lines will break down the fundamental contents into diverse themes and methodologies.
How to articulate your participation in the V World Forum of Local Economic Development
The UCLG Committee on Economic and Social Development has an active participation in the elaboration of the Program of this V World Forum DEL, leading the first of the content axes. The topics will be addressed in plenaries, conferences, dialogue tables, panels and workshops in which you can participate by coordinating on behalf of UCLG any of the sessions of the official program or intervening in any of the Forum spaces, with the presentation of success stories , good practices and experiences related to the various items that each main thematic line will include.
The first one, will take a look at the role of the territories as the basis of social, economic and environmental innovation, citizen participation and local democracy, sustainable tourism, public management and new productive models for innovation, as well as territorial ecosystems for the exchange of knowledge, within the first of the axes.
In relation to territorial economic and productive models to address inequality, the second of the thematic axes, the program will address its multidimensional nature, the implications and responses from the territories, innovative urban policies to promote socio-economic mobility, alternative models to locate the SDGs and the role of women as creators of inclusive and sustainable local economies, as well as their participation in networks and alliances for an open and innovative economy, among other issues.
Finally, investment in decent and sustainable work, collective representation, multilevel social dialogue and increased capacity investment will include reflection on the future of work and future work, from a territorial perspective. Likewise, public policies for a people-centred agenda, financial mechanisms for innovative ecosystems or community-based companies will be addressed, among other issues with a territorial focus.
For more info: [email protected].