7-9 December 2015. Blantyre, Malawi
The UCLG Learning Agenda is demand driven, dynamic and based on practices and needs of members and partners. The question of how to localize the 17 SDGs and its 169 targets has proven to be crucial for Local Governments. Despite the fact that SDGs are universal in nature, implementing these goals will happen at local level, and therefore, local context, constrains and opportunities need to be taken into consideration. To encourage the discussion on localizing SDGs two Peer Learning Events are taking place in December 2015.
With the SDG 11 the urban context became for the first time central for sustainable development. Moreover, within the urban SDG there is a target that refers explicitly to public space (11.7): “By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green and public space, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities”. For this reason, UCLG WS and its Committee on Urban Strategic Planning are co-organizing a peer learning event “Public Space as a generator of growth and regeneration in African Cities” together with the City of Blantyre, the International Union of Architect (UIA) and UN-Habitat.
This event will be a great opportunity to gather partners and experts around the topic of Public Space as a generator of growth and regeneration. The main objectives will be to share ideas on what public space means in the African Context and further concentrate in the case of Blantyre. The event will serve to exchange knowledge between all participants over the examples of problematic spaces in the city of Blantyre, as well as a debate vis-à-vis the implement the SGD 11.7 in the African Context.
Please don’t hesitate contacting us if you need additional information at: [email protected]; [email protected]