As communicated last week, the CIB chairs and secretariat have decided to transform the scheduled CIB annual meeting 2020 into a virtual (shortened) annual meeting. After consultation with members last week, we can now announce that the online meeting will take place on Wednesday 17 June, between 14:00 and 17:00 CEST.
The past weeks have shown that it is not desirable to hold very long online meetings. We will therefore shorten the programme which we had developed with the VVSG and the city of Sint-Niklaas and concentrate on the impact of COVID-19 on international capacity building programmes and our sector as a whole. Part of the meeting will be arranged in a plenary setting. We also envisage to arrange for break-out discussions, as we usually do at the CIB annual meeting. The agenda and supporting documents will be circulated in the week of the 2nd of June.
More information here.