20-23 September 2015. Bogotá, Colombia
+INFO: www.bogotacumbredelclima.com
Cities are both responsible and victims of climate change. The various forms of urbanization as well as the multiple economic development processes and urban life styles have contributed to the fact that activities in cities account for a significant share of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions; multiple urban activities have left an important ecological footprint. Moreover, the increases of global average temperatures, sea level rise and recurring extreme climate events are threatening cities and intensifying the risks to their infrastructures, economies and the well-being of their citizens.
This Summit illustrates the leadership role that local governments play in both facing the challenges and maximizing the opportunities derived from climate change impacts. Because cities have the key political, social, economic and technological capital to face effectively this phenomenon, they bear a substantial responsibility to catalyze the transformations that would guide them into the path to a more sustainable development.