12-24 November 2016. Several cities
+ INFO: www.europeandaysoflocalsolidarity.eu / www.platforma-dev.eu
Poverty eradication, fighting against climate change or defending human rights… European cities and regions are actively engaged in global solidarity and they want their citizens to know about it! The first edition of the European Days of Local Solidarity (EDLS) organised in seven European cities and regions is starting on Saturday.
From 12 to 24 November, Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès (Spain), Getxo (Basque Country, Spain), Mérida (Extremadura, Spain), Paris, Rome and Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia) are organising events to show that city-to-city and region-to-region development cooperation works (see program).
The European Days of Local Solidarity is a pan-European initiative launched by PLATFORMA in close collaboration with the Province of Barcelona (Diputació Barcelona). It aims to highlight the commitment of European cities and regions in global solidarity.