22 - 23 October. Barcelona, Spain
+INFO: www.global-ecoforum.org
2015 is a critical year for the global sustainability agenda. First, innovative financial tools and economic mechanisms to support international development and cooperationwill be launched in Ethiopia in July. Then, seventeen ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are to be approved in September with concrete environmental, economic and social targets to be reached by all countries. Finally, the Paris conference on Climate, also known as COP21, will gather in December thousand of world leaders to commit on a global agreement against climate change.
This international event will encourage sustainability commitment and momentum towards Paris Climate Conference. The 2-days event will gather high level political, social and economic leaders from around Europe and the Mediterranean region to discuss the disruptive transformations that are reshaping the relationships betweenEnergy, Climate and Cities. A public exhibition showing concrete urban solutions to mitigate or adapt climate change will be showed in Barcelona or other european cities. Moreover a political declaration on the role of cities and citizens will be agreed on and taken to the Paris Conference as the official outcomes of this event.