4th September 2015. Putrajaya, Malaysia
+INFO: 16iacc.org
In the framework of the International Anti-Corruption Conference, UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlement Program) and UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) are co-organizing this session on "Governing with the citizen: Transparent cities and accountable local governments in an urbanizing world”
The main objectives of the proposed event are:
1. To highlight innovative measures that some local governments are experimenting to improve transparency and accountability in the field of urban planning and the provision of basic services while ensuring access, quality affordability and safety in the provision of basic services, on one side, and the control over the speculative physical development of the city.
2. To discuss how national legislation and policy can influence the local level and what role civil society and the private sector can and should be to help enhance accountability and integrity
The session is co-organized by UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlement Program) and UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.