13-14 March 2018. Rome, Italy
+ INFO: https://cumbrehambrecero.com/
The central role of local governments in shaping food systems - from small cities and towns to metropolis, from district to regions and provinces – is increasingly acknowledged. FAO fully acknowledges this role, and is seeking increasing partnerships with global networks local governments. A first meeting with some major networks was organized in June 2017 in Rome.
The objective of the 2018 anual meeting is review the action plan established during the June 2017 meeting, present progress made by and the work program of the different participants, identify further stream of collaborations.
Valérie Nicolas (Regions of France Association) will represent UCLG together with a representative of UCLG Africa to discuss about the transition towards sustainable and resilient food systems implies stronger urban rural linkages and, for some, the partial re-localization of food systems (session 5).
UCLG is launching a prospective study on this topic. This question is critical for all continents, far beyond Europe.
More information:
- Read "Iniciativas de alimentación responsable y sustentable en la provincia de santa fe" (Spanish)
- Learn more about FAO Food Security and Nutrition in the World
- Learn about Urban Food Actions Platform
- See the provisional agenda of "Joint Working Session with Global and Regional Networks of Local Governments"
- Learn about the main activities of Community Practice UCLG: Territorial Governance, Food Security and Nutrition Transition