19-20 June 2014. Barcelona, Spain
+INFO: Concept Note
The high level Mayoral Forum will assemble some fifty mayors from world cities and representatives from international organizations (the World Bank, the International Organization for Migration, UNITAR, KNOMAD, UN-Habitat, and European Commission).
It is a global initiative with the major goals of bringing to the fore the role of cities as managers of international mobility and of highlighting the value of mobility for development.
These objectives embrace the shared conviction that migration is primarily an urban phenomenon. People move towards cities, contributing to their urban growth and human development. Cities, then, are the main attraction pole (and driving force) of states, and migration has been a key factor to their growth and development. At the same time, migration has led to an increase of diversity and has generated new challenges for which cities have provided innovative solutions.
The Forum also aims at strengthening relations among local institutions from over the world and seeks to establish an enduring dialogue among local governments and international and regional organizations and between European local governments and the European Commission.