23-25 February,2016. Jakarta, Indonesia
INFO: capacity4dev.ec.europa.eu
The Regional Seminar on the Territorial Approach to Local Development is co-organized with UCLG ASPAC and the EU.
The seminar has three major goals:
- Clarify the concept of Territorial Approach to Local Development as an analytical framework that can be understood as the missing link between decentralization reforms and development outcomes.
- Sharpen the understanding of the participants of the political economy of decentralization reforms (DR) in the region, and the conditions under which the reforms may lead to improved local governance (LG) and genuine local development (LD).
- Recognize the opportunities and constraints that EU delegations may face in promoting Territorial Approach to Local Development (TALD), because of the context in which they operate, the demands of the EU aid management cycle and the aid modalities available to them.