The SDG Moment is an annual event mandated by Heads of State and Government in the 2019 SDG Summit political declaration. This meeting will place the Decade of Action to Deliver the SDGs on the agenda of world leaders and key stakeholders during every high-level week between now and 2030.
It aims to provide an “annual SDG check-in” and snapshot of progress, rather than a comprehensive picture of implementation. Building on the High-Level Political Forum, the Moment will provide an annual snapshot of SDG progress, highlight implementation and investment shortfalls, and showcase the kind of critical interventions that both States and stakeholders are advancing to increase the pace and scale of action.
The SDG Moment meeting will be complemented by three other initiatives:
1. A global broadcast event will bring the essence of the SDG Moment to the widest possible global audience.
2. The United Nations development system together with partners will hold national and regional dialogues to bring the Decade of Action closer to local decision makers and communities.
3. A virtual, interactive SDG action zone during high-level week will provide dedicated space for a full range of stakeholders to delve deeper into what is needed to deliver the Goals by 2030.
- Read more information here.