The Urban Research Day in Malmö, Sweden, takes place on 6 December 2013. This annual event is arranged by the Institute of Sustainable Urban Development (ISU) in collaboration with Malmö University, Malmö City and MOVIUM. The theme in 2013 is “Culture and Sustainable Urban Development”.
The seminar includes many speakers presenting a variety of topics, from local cases to global issues. The keynote speaker is Ferdinand Richard, currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Cultural Policies Observatory (Grenoble, France) expert on the Agenda 21 for Culture (United Cities and Local Governments), and UNESCO expert on the Convention on Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Moderator is Maria Hellström Reimer, Professor in Design in Theory and Practice at Malmö University and Director of Studies of the National Research School of Design. The language of the event is English.
You can download the programme here.