14-18 March 2015. Sendai, Japan
The Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction is fast approaching, and will begin on 13 March in Sendai, Japan.
Organizations and networks of local and regional authorities are currently preparing for the Conference, and can count on a delegation of around 400 participants from cities and regions around the world.
UCLG and ICLEI are organizing partners of the Local Authorities Major Group (LAMG) at the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR), in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the "Making My Cities Resilient" Campaign led by UNISDR.
Preparatory meetings
States and their partners are preparing to have their say before the adoption of the new Post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, HFA2.
IMPORTANT: Preparatory meeting for local authorities on 13 March
Local and regional governments will meet on 13 March (time and place to be defined by the organizers at a later stage) to discuss their role in the implementation of the new Post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, HFA2, and to adopt a political statement. The Round Table will take place on 13 March from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. (Conference center, Room 1 & 2).
Local and regional governments are co-organizing a (ministerial) round table on the theme: “Reducing Disaster Risk in Urban Settings”
This round table will take place on Monday 16 March and participation is by invitation only. It will provide an opportunity for an interactive debate between representatives of States and local and regional governments, focusing on the priorities and key measures that should support the Post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Local Authorities Major Group Agenda:
New: Official Statement of Local and Regional Authorities Major Group at UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Sendai, Japan, 17 March 2015, 10:00-13:00
- Concept Note of Local Authorities Round Table
- Programme for local and regional authorities in Sendai
- Draft Declaration of Local and Regional Authorities [Spanish] [French] prepared by UCLG, ICLEI and UNISDR
- Local Authorities Roundtable
WCDRR Agenda:
- Sendai Conference Handbook
- Draft programme of WCDRR - Overview of activities in Sendai
- Consolidated list of Official Sessions
- Overview of Side events
Three major segments:
Key Documents Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA):
- Draft HFA2 in the Post-2015 Period (Pre-zero Order Draft, 23 October 2014)
- HFA 2005-2015
- 1994 Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World
- 1989 UN General Assembly Decision for an International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
Contributions to the Conference Preparations by the Local Authorities Major Group (LAMG)
The following documents are interventions and statements from the LAMG in preparations for the UN Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR):
- 17-18 November 2014, LAMG interventions at the 2nd Preparatory Committee meeting of the 3rd UN Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR)
- 9 October 2014, Informal Co-Chairs consultations with Major Groups: Summary of Oral Inputs
- 18 September 2014, Open-Ended Informal Consultations
- 14-15 July 2014, First Preparatory Meeting: Official Statement by the LAMG
We, local and regional government leaders, recommend that the new disaster risk reduction framework continue to highlight and further strengthen the key role of local authorities through effective decentralization and the principle of active citizen engagement, to ensure local risk reduction and resilience.”
Other related links:
- UCLG Climate Change web
- UCLG Disaster Risk Reduction web
- UCLG briefing: Local and regional governments, at the heart of disaster risk reduction strategies
- Compact of Mayors
- Resilient Cities resource point
- Durban Adaptation Charter
- "Making My Cities Resilient" Campaign
- Medellin Collaboration
Related information:
+INFO: www.wcdrr.org