On the morning of December 12, a meeting was held to share experiences of how cities are innovating from a social and economic point of view in order to accelerate climate actions.
With this idea, Federico Buyolo, Director of the Office of the High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda, who started the meeting by emphasizing that "communities are the fundamental part of Agenda 2030, because it is an agenda of citizenship. This is why Climate Action needs to start from the sphere closest to the citizens, from the local sphere” Miquel Rodríguez Planas, Commissioner of the 2030 Agenda of the Barcelona City Council used his participation to share ideas on how the public and private sectors should act together to implement sustainable local actions.
The gathering was an opportunity to talk about climate change and the relationship between climate change and social inequality. Laia Bonet, Deputy Mayor for the 2030 Agenda in Barcelona, reaffirmed the idea that "The 2030 Agenda is the key to address the challenge that climate change poses to us, and the key to not leave anyone behind in cities". Mohamed Boudra, President of UCLG, closed the session with a clear statement: "We hope that for the next summit #COP26 in Glasgow, cities will be counted on, because it is at the local level where concrete and effective actions that are closer to the citizens can be carried out" Mohamed Boudra, President of UCLG.
These collective highlights gave birth to a key message with which the COP 25 should be clearly summed up: No matter how many negotiations take place behind closed doors, there can be no effective climate action without dialogue and political agreement between all spheres of government. From the constituency of local and regional governments we are already working towards the #COP26 in Glasgow with a shared vision:
Cities implement concrete and sustainable actions every day that improve the lives of communities, and have to be at the negotiating table of the Climate Agenda and all development agendas.