Picture: http://monrovia2015hlp.org/
The United Nations and member states have made a strong call for participation in the post 2015 process in order to ensure that this process is open and inclusive by engaging all actors and guaranteeing that all voices are taken into account.
UCLG has already demonstrated its committed to this process through various mechanisms:
The High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the post 2015 Development Agenda. Kadir Topbas, Mayor of Istanbul and President of UCLG, was nominated member of this Panel by Ban Ki-moon in July 2012, to represent local and regional governments in the debate. During the first two meeting that took place in New York in September 2012 and in London in November 2012, the UCLG President highlighted the role of local and regional governments in reducing inequalities. The third meeting of the High Level Panel will take place in Monrovia (Liberia) from 29th January to the 1st February 2013.
Local and regional task-force on post 2015 and Habitat III. As was approved during the UCLG World Council in Dakar, this task force will bring together leaders from international networks of local and regional governments. The first meeting of the taskforce is scheduled to take place in mid-March (to be confirmed).
The International Thematic Consultations will be held from January to May on 11 topics defined by the United Nations: health, education, growth and employments, sustainability, food security and nutrition, conflicts and fragility, inequalities, governance, water, energy and population dynamics states. UCLG will follow this consultation closely and is already taking part where possible.
Please find here UCLG’s on-line Contributions on Spatial Inequalities, Political Inequalities, Social Inequalities and Income Inequalities.
National dialogues in over 56 countries (see country list, focus points, programmes and reports on World We Want site) identify the United Nations focal point in your country to participate in these discussions that will fuel the debate and the reports of the General Secretary.
For more information read the Agenda of the global leadership meetings