The Committee on Culture of UCLG has partnered with other key international networks to launch a Declaration on the Inclusion of Culture in the Sustainable Development Goals and is calling on the international community to support the campaign: The future we want includes culture.
Together with IFACCA, the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity, Culture Action Europe, Arterial Network, International Council on Monuments and Sites and the International Music Council, we have launched a campaign calling on governments and policy makers defining the post-2015 UN Development Agenda to ensure that targets and indicators on culture be included as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.
To support this campaign:
- Visit and sign the Declaration either as an organisation or as an individual
- Send this Declaration, or your own message, to your country’s representative at the United Nations
- Circulate this Declaration to your networks and spread the word. The future we want includes culture.
Culture was completely absent from the Millennium Development Goals document. Don’t let this happen again. Join us in calling for recognition of culture’s role in Sustainable Development Goals post-2015.
Join the campaign #culture2015goal.