Culture in the Sustainable Development Goals: our Indicators

Culture as a goal

Since 2013, the campaign #culture2015goal from the Committee on Culture of UCLG, has advocated for the inclusion of culture in the SDGs. Over 1,900 signatories, including over 700 organizations, have endorsed our Declaration on the Inclusion of Culture in the SDGs.
The campaign #culture2015goal has just released a paper with indicators which could be used to measure the place of culture in the promotion of sustainable development. The Committee on Culture believe that cultural indicators should be included in the following SDGs: Goal 1 (poverty), Goal 4 (education and life-long learning), Goal 8 (growth, employment and work), Goal 9 (infrastructure, industrialization and innovation), Goal 11 (cities and human settlements), Goal 12(consumption and production patterns), Goal 13 (climate change) and Goal 16 (peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice and inclusive institutions at all levels).
The #culture2015goal campaign involves IFACCA – International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies; IFCCD – International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity; Culture Action Europe; Arterial Network; ICOMOS - International Council on Monuments and Sites; IMC – International Music Council; IFLA – International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions; Red Latinoamericana de Arte para la Transformación Social; and the Committee on Culture of UCLG.

What you can do:

For more info, please visit :  and follow #culture2015goal.

Source: Committee on Culture of UCLG
