The International Award UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21 call for candidates now open

UCLG and its Committee on Culture are fully engaged in the pursuit of sustainable cultural development at local, national and global levels. In this objective and with the collaboration of the City of Mexico, the Committee on Culture has launched the “International Award UCLG – MEXICO City – Culture 21”. The award will be received by leading cities and figures, distinguished through their contribution to culture as a dimension of sustainable development.

The Award will contribute to the dissemination and implementation of Agenda 21 for culture and demonstrates the leadership of Mexico City in the area of culture and sustainable development.  The deadline for submission of projects is 31st March 2014

The Award has two categories:


  • This category will be awarded to a city, local or regional government whose cultural policy has contributed significantly to linking the values of culture (heritage, diversity, creativity and transmission of knowledge) with democratic governance, citizen participation and sustainable development.  The Award will be given to the local or regional government candidate that wins a competitive call process, open to UCLG (direct or indirect) members
  • This Award will recognize an original policy, programme or project that explicitly includes the principles of Agenda 21 for culture. The action awarded should feature at least two years of execution and have documented proof of the impact and the successes achieved.
  • The winning city will receive the amount of 50,000 euros, which will be used for the international promotion of the project (the publication of a book, participation in forums, international visibility) and to strengthen the local implementation of the Agenda 21 for culture.


  • This category will award an internationally renowned person who has made a fundamental contribution to the relationship between culture and development.
  • This Award will be designated by the Jury, without an open competition process. The organisers invite all the members of UCLG (direct or indirect) to make spontaneous nominations of a personality.
  • The selected candidate will receive the amount of 25,000 euros and become a Cultural Ambassador for the City of Mexico.

You can download the information brochure, the rules and the application form from the website: