The Committee on Digital and Knowledge-based Cities carried out an international study about the situation of ICT, innovation and knowledge in cities. Following this work, the Committee would like to perform a new study on the current situation and the opportunities provided by ITC, support for innovation, and progress in knowledge for the development of cities and their transformation into “smart cities”: the Smart Cities Study 2017.
The goals of this new study include the characterisation of the present situation and the opportunities provided by these fields at a local level; the identification of the key elements that can turn out to be either obstacles or facilitators for development; and the identification of good practices that can be used as a reference for other cities to advance in the concept of the “Smart City”. The study is based on a comprehensive and cross-cutting approach of the different levers of a city’s potential for growth and transformation.
A questionnaire addressed to cities has been designed for the development of this study, aiming to gather information of a qualitative nature on the situation and features of each city with relation to these fields.
We encourage you to contribute to the study by filling in this questionnaire at any time from now until 8th February 2017. The questionnaire can be accessed via the following link: Smart Cities Study 2017/Questionnaire for the cities
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Committee Secretariat: info@uclg-digitalcities.org