The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC), established in December 2011 during the Fourth High Level Forum in Busan, will hold its first ministerial meeting on 15-16 of Abril 2014 in Mexico City. The meeting will address the governance of the Partnership, allowing the incorporation of a permanent representative of local and regional governments on the Executive Committee.
The meeting with bring together heads of state and government, ministers, local and regional governments, parliamentarians, leaders of international organizations, civil society and key development actors, in order to assess the progress of the implementation of the Busan commitments on aid effectiveness, and to position the Partnership as a central element in the ‘how’ of the implementation of the Post-2015 global development agenda.
The two-day forum includes five plenary sessions:
- Progress on implementing the Busan commitments on effective development co-operation.
- Tax and domestic resource mobilization to support development co-operation so that it can boost tax collection and cut illicit financial flows in developing countries.
- Middle-income countries and effective development co-operation to intensify support to poverty reduction and inclusive growth in middle-income countries.
- Knowledge sharing, South-South and triangular co-operation to support development co-operation with and between developing countries, including through knowledge and know-how exchange.
- The private sector and effective development co-operation. Among other initiatives, participants will set a road map for more, better development co-operation between business and governments.
Local and regional governments will participate in the first three plenary sessions: in the first they will present a road map to promote a more enabling environment for local and regional governments; in the second, they will discuss fiscal decentralization, and in the session on middle income countries, they will deal with the issue of more inclusive urban development.
The final Declaration includes a mention of the contribution of local and regional governments in the aid effectiveness agenda, and the need to strengthen their role “through decentralization, capacity building, access to data, legal protection and international cooperation” (paragraphs 13 and 17)
See the attached documents:
- Preliminary programme of the First High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, Mexico City, 15-16 of April 2014 and concept note
- First Draft of the Mexico HLM Communiqué
- Logistical information
- Information on sessions 1
- Information on sessions 2
- Information on sessions 3
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