From 26 to 28 September Nantes hosted the first Climate Chance Summit, at the invitation of the City and under the leadership of Ronan Dantec, UCLG climate spokesperson.
Following up with the Lyon Summit organised in July 2015, Climate Chance aimed at showcasing the actions of coalitions of non-state actors involved in the fight against climate change, including local authorities, associations, trade unions, scientific organisations and citizens and building on the momentum ahead of COP22.
See more: Climate Chance 2016 Showcases Subnational Commitments & Climate Leadership
This year COP 22 will take place in Marrakech from 7 to 18 of November and it will focus on enhancing ambition, and providing support to all sectors of society on the effective implementation on the ground of the Paris agreement.
These are key dates for Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) constituency as will be actively taking part in COP22, with a strong African participation.
The main events for the constituency will take place on the 10 November with the Global Climate Agenda Cities and Human Settlements Thematic Day, the 14 November with the Champions´ Dialogue with Regions and Territories and the Champions´Dialogue with Cities on the 15.
An important moment for the local and regional authorities will be the Second Climate Summit for Local and Regional Leaders, convened on 14th November.
See more: Second Climate Summit for Local and Regional Leaders
You can find an overview schedule of the two weeks of the conference here.
The UNFCCC Secretariat further released a revised agenda of COP22, including negotiation sessions including Global Climate Action Agenda events led by COP21 and COP, as well as side events and exhibits .
More information: