© @rosaicela_CDMX
The first biannual meeting of the Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights (CISDP) hold in Mexico City, on 21st April allowed to reaffirm the commitment of Local Governments of this Committee for Human Rights and the right to the city, based on the involvement of a New Co-Presidency
On the occasion of Mexico International Seminar of Local Government for the Right to the City, UCLG’s Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democray and Human Rights held its 1st 2015 Biannual meeting. Around 40 participants from Local Government, Academic Sector and Civil Society discussed the promotion of the Global Charter-Agenda for Human Rights in the City, exchanged experiences, debated how to promote the Right to the City in the New Global Urban Agenda in Habitat III, and introduced the Global Platform for the Right to the City, among other topics.
Furthermore, one of the main cornerstones of the event was the integration of new members to the collective presidency of the Committee. Dr. Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa, head of the government of Mexico City, pledged as the representative of Latin America; Dr. Jang-hyun YOON, mayor of Gwangju, as the representative of Asia-Pacific; Mr. Abdel Sadi, Vice-President for International relations of the Council of Seine-Saint-Denis, as one of the representants from Europe, along with Mr. Patrick Braouezec, President of the Urban Community of Plaine Commune (France), who was already part of the presidency in previous years and is responsible for the Coordination of the Committee, together with the Executive Secretary, located in Barcelona.
All 4 local governments, reflecting the diversity of the member cities’ of the Committee, demonstrated their commitment to promote fair, inclusive, democratic and sustainable cities, to spread the principles of the Global Charter Agenda for the Human Rights in the city around the world, and to work for the inclusion of The Right to the City in the New Urban Agenda, strengthening equality, dignity, justice, solidarity and the collective well-being in cities. The Committee agreed to encourage the involvement of cities in Africa and in the Middle East within its activities.
The Committee is opened to all local governments that share the ideals of inclusive territories based on Human Rights and Participatory Democracy. As a common voice for UCLG cities on those issues, it helps advising local governments on the design of such policies and facilitating political debates, exchange of experiences and the collective generation of new knowledge.
For more information, please access the Committee’s web page.