The UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights reissued its publication "For a World of Inclusive Cities”.
The publication follows the graphical line of its previous publications: the Charter-Agenda for Human Rights in the City, the European Charter for the Safeguarding of Human Rights in the City and the Inclusive Cities Observatory brochure.
“For a world of inclusive cities” aims to disseminate the policy paper on social inclusion drafted by the Committee and adopted by UCLG in 2008. The paper presents the main policy guidelines that cities are recommended to follow when conceiving and developing public policies on social inclusion. It also aims to facilitate UCLG’s position on this issue and foster dialogue with other organizations or agencies.
The document was inspired by the conclusions of the “1st International Seminar on Innovative Local Policies for Social Inclusion”, held in Barcelona in 2007, as well as the political discussions that took place within UCLG through its regional sections and working committees. The experiences presented at the Seminar are available on the website of the Inclusive Cities Observatory:
We invite you to download the publication through the following link: For a World of Inclusive Cities or to consult the section of the Committee website devoted to this document: web section about For a World of Inclusive Cities.