In the context of the preparatory process towards Habitat III and inspired by the occasion of Human Rights Day 2015, we, local and regional governments, call for the inclusion of the Right to the City as the cornerstone of the New Urban Agenda and of the responsibility of all the actors for its implementation.
The right to the city understands the city is a collective space which belongs to all its residents and which must offer the necessary conditions for a decent life from a social, political, cultural, economic and environmental point of view.
In order to reach the inclusion of the right to the city and its implementation in Habitat III, it is essential to ensure the participation of civil society organizations and local governments - on equal basis with respect to the other actors - as key partners in the definition and implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
It is essential that the whole process and methods of Habitat III include the participation of civil society organizations and local governments to be able to address the diversity of interests and practices. Therefore, we call for that this international effort recognizes innovations by these actors in order to achieve more just, democratic and sustainable cities in which human rights are fulfilled as well as their responsibility towards the future generations.
To find out more info:
- Read the statement launched by the Global Platform for the Right to the City.
- Global Charter Agenda for the Human Rights in the City
- Website dedicated to the Human Rights Day 2015
Related news:
- “From COP21 to Habitat III” and the UCLG Executive Bureau in Paris
- Déclaration officielle de CGLU au Conseil des Droits de l’Homme de l’ONU