How is São Paulo successfully expanding social housing? How are citizens helping to make their city greener? Which experts work on youth issues in Asia and Europe? Find answers to these and many other urban policy questions using the METROPOLIS Policy Transfer Platform, a global learning and networking portal for urban practitioners, experts and researchers.
The platform, launched at the 11th METROPOLIS World Congress in Hyderabad in October 2014, allows users to quickly find innovative case studies and relevant experts filtered by region, topic, objective and policy instrument. Individuals can create a public profile advertising their interests and expertise, find and contact experts in the same field, and share projects on the platform giving international visibility to local good practices on topics from architecture to water management. Case studies are structured in a concise way with a focus on aspects that cities could adapt and/or learn from.
The pilot platform is developed and managed by the city of Berlin, which is the METROPOLIS Regional Secretariat for Europe and leads an initiative on successful policy transfer. You can share your feedback, ideas and questions with us at p[email protected]