In the framework of the preparation of third edition of the World Forum Local Authorities of Periphery (FALP) on “Rights and Democracy for solidarity-based and sustainable Metropolises”, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) is organizing a preparatory meeting to present the metropolitan stance.
The meeting will take place next March 12th, 2013 at the AMB head office and participants will include Mr. Jairo Jorge - Canoas city Mayor (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Mr. Gerard Perreau-Bezzouille - organizer of the III FALP, Nanterre deputy Mayor (Paris, France and FALP network coordinator. Several city mayors from the periphery of Barcelona will also participate, such as Barberà del Vallès, Cornellà, Gavà, San Feliu de Llobregat and Santa Coloma de Gramenet.
The following topics will be under discussion during this meeting:
- Which rights must be highlighted to make our metropolitan areas more sustainable and solidarity?
- Which type of democracy is necessary to promote action in this orientation?
- What is the role of local authorities of metropolitan peripheries?
- Which type of relation must they have with the capitals?
- Which philosophy is necessary to have a better metropolitan institution?
To participate in this meeting, organized by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area on March 12th, 2013, please fill in the enclosed form and send it to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
For more information about the FALP, please contact Ms. Deise Martins, Canoas City hall ([email protected]), Mr. Djamel Sandid, Nanterre City hall ([email protected]) or the site of UCLG Committee of Peripheral Cities.
The following edition of the FALP will take place in Canoas, from June 11th to June 13th, 2013, and will be based on the following sets of themes: Identities and multi-polarity; Governance and Participation; Globalisation and Metropolisation; Sustainability; Common goods and "Buen vivir" concept.