The UCLG Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Committee, in collaboration with Goberna, Escuela de Política y Alto Gobierno del Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset are offering the fifth online Course on Decentralisation and Local Governance, which will be held from 25 September to 21 December 2014.
The course is mainly directed at local, regional and central government officials and technical experts from different regions of the world and its main objective is to facilitation a debate on local democratic governance and on the strengthening of decentralisation and local self-government process the world over.
Training is subsidised by the Government of the Province of Barcelona as chair of the UCLG Committee on Decentralisation and Local Self-Government.
For more information:
- Online Course Description (pdf)
- Registration form (online)
- Information & questions: [email protected]
Source: UCLG Committee on Decentralisation and Local Self-Government