From September 30 to December 22, will be held the course “Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Tools for local transformation”, the first online training organized by the world organization United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and the Provincial Council of Barcelona.
The online course, free and available in English, French and Spanish, is focused preferentially to technical and political leaders of the fields of international relations, sustainable development cooperation, public policy planning, or other areas of government work related to Implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
This course is based on the roadmap and the modules designed by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, the UNDP-Art and UN-Habitat (collaborators), to train and provide tools to local and regional governments (LRGs) and their associations to implement and adapt the SDGs at the local and national level.
In total, 35 vacancies are offered for each one of the three modalities (Spanish, English and French). All people, of any nationality, who carry out their professional activity managing local public policies for the sustainable development in any part of the world can apply to the course.
The training will have a total duration equivalent to 63 teaching hours. Registrations will begin on the first week of September, according to information that will be available in the coming days by UCLG Learning and the Observatory of Decentralized Cooperation.