What opportunities and constraints do local and regional governments have to access European funding in support of local development and decentralised cooperation? A UCLG and PLATFORMA (the pan-European coalition of towns and regions) study will identify EU innovative financial mechanisms available to European local and regional governments and their peers in partner countries to support their development and decentralised cooperation programmes.
The study is part of UCLG and PLATFORMA’s activities to improve knowledge on decentralised development cooperation and aims at informing their advocacy work towards European financial institutions. In addition to mapping existing EU innovative financial mechanisms available to local and regional authorities, it will identify what financing opportunities are provided to local and regional governments under the forthcoming European Commission’s Multi-Annual Financial Framework for 2021-2027.
The study report is expected to provide local and regional governments with practical knowledge and tools to explore how to make the most of EU innovative financial mechanisms, and to highlight the main constraints, opportunities and conditions for accessing these resources. It will include a set of strategic and practical recommendations for local and regional governments to better tailor their applications for EU innovative funding and thus increase their chances of getting support for financing their local development, international cooperation and solidarity initiatives as part of the implementation of the global agendas.
The study will be carried out over the next three months, with a final report expected by the end of December 2020. Its main findings and recommendations will be presented during a webinar to be convened by UCLG and PLATFORMA.
For further information, please contact Serge Allou ([email protected]) or Mathilde Penard ([email protected]) at the UCLG World Secretariat.