United Cities and Local Governments and the UCLG Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) Working Group promote a series of webinars in December 2018, addressed to the National Associations of Local Governments, and their reviews on the progress of localizing the SDGs.
The participation of representatives of associations of local and regional governments is especially important since the progress made in the localization of the SDGs will be presented to the United Nations during the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July 2019. The reports, made voluntarily by the National Associations of Local Governments, are fundamental tools for the verification of the processes on localizing the SDGs.
The first web conference, in Spanish, took place on December 11, and served as an introduction to the process of reporting on the implementation of the SDGs at the local and regional level, with the experiences of Latin American and Spanish Associations: the National Union of Local Governments of Costa Rica (UNGL), of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the National Confederation of Municipalities of Brazil (CNM).
The second webinar, in English, will be held on December 18 (10 am-11:30am, CET), and will have the experiences of the Association of Local Authorities and Regions of Sweden (SALAR), the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) and the UCLG Regional Section of Asia-Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC).
The third webinar, in French, will take place December 20 (14 pm-15h30am, CET), will have the experience of the National Association of Cities of Benin (ANCB) and the paneuropean coalition of local and regional governments Platforma.
UCLG and CIB invite all interested parties to participate in this free webinar!
- Access the presentations of the webinar in Spanish: : Slides Part 1. Slides Part 2. Sildes Part 3.
- To register for the webinar in English, write to: [email protected]
- To register for the webinar in French (the 20th).