Global Agenda

Local governments are crucial for the implementation of the global development agendas

Representatives from local and regional government networks gathered in Istanbul on 24 April for the meeting of the United Nations Advisory Committee of Local Authorities (UNACLA), under the theme "The global development agend

Kazan hosts the last meeting of the UCLG Executive Bureau before the World Summit in Bogota

Our Executive Bureau took place in Kazan from 25 to 27 May with over 200 representatives present from some 90 cities and local and regional authorities from all around the world, along with important figures from the urban world.

Stakeholders concerned over access to Habitat III negotiations

By Greg Scruggs, Citiscope’s Habitat III correspondent.


Women, Leadership and Development: from SDG5 to Habitat III

New report by the UCLG Standing Committee on Gender Equality highlights that the achievement of gender equality at local level will be essential to the success of the 2030, Habitat III and climate change agendas.

Consultation on the role of regions, rural areas and small municipalities in the Global Agenda of Local and Regional Governments

The consultation process towards the development of the Global Agenda of Local and Regional Governments for the 21st Century continues and UCLG is working to collect inputs on the Agenda from different types of local governments.

Consultation reports on the role of intermediary, metropolitan and peripheral cities in the Global Agenda

The publication of these reports is testament to UCLG’s commitment to facilitating an open, global conversation on the role of local and regional governments in sustainable development.

Local and Regional Governments bring our own agenda to Habitat III

In UCLG consultations in the run up to Habitat III, intermediary cities warn that national governments and international institutions underestimate their role in development at their own risk.



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