gobiernos locales

President of UCLG Mohamed Boudra calls for a renewed and inclusive multilateral system on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly

The statement he delivered also addressed the need to recover trust between communities and the institutions that represent them through a more community-based inclusive multilateral system, the renewal of local democracy, and the development of the next generation of human rights.

Leading-edge governments, webinar on crisis management and SDGs implementation

The seminar is a free, online series of short, factual, unedited interviews that seek to bring local governments closer to those who study and work for them with the goal of strengthening the capacities of public officials and having more effective governments.

In 2020, World Health Day will focus on the vital role played by nurses and midwives in providing health care around the world, and call for strengthen the nursing and midwifery workforce. Nurses and other health workers are at the forefront of COVID-19 response - providing high quality, respectf

An online survey to report on SDG localization at local and regional levels

UCLG is launching a survey (deadline 15 April 2019­) aimed at local and regional governments, associations, civil society, the private sector and academia to identify

The II World Forum of Local Governments showcases local policies committed to 2030 Agenda

One of these challenges is the paradigm shift that blurs the boundaries between local, national and global levels, and implies that global actions are also local decisions and actions.

El Congreso Latinoamericano de Autoridades Locales, organizado por FLACMA y la AChM, tendrá lugar en Santiago de Chile a representantes de los municipios de América Latina y El Caribe con el objetivo de profundizar en la unidad continental y dar continuidad al impulso de acuerdos de fortalecimien

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