
U20 Rome-Milan poster with logos of Rome, Milan, C40 and UCLG with the #Urban20 and title “Urban 20 calls on G20 to empower cities to ensure a green and just Recovery”.
Urban20 G20 - 17/06/2021
Urban 20 calls upon G20 nations to foster greater collaboration with cities and local governments to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis, COVID-19, and the economic and social recovery (+)
Mayors and cultural actors meet in Izmir and virtually for the official launch of the 4th Culture Summit of UCLG
CULTURE SUMMIT - 11/06/2021
Following the successful UCLG Culture Summits held every two years since 2015, UCLG officially launched its 4th Culture Summit in Izmir, Turkey, under the title “Culture: Shaping the future”. (+)
Gallery of important participants at the Forum
- 09/06/2021
The V Forum spanned over five days of discussions, from 26 May to 1 June 2021, held in the city of Cordoba, Argentina, in mostly virtual sessions. The V Forum placed emphasis      on labour and employment, as key challenges for COVID recovery, and was hosted by the municipal and provincial government and the Agency of Local Economic development from Cordoba ADEC. (+)
Cities Are Listening - Towards the Lampedusa Charter
Migration, Migración - 05/04/2021
On 4 May, around twenty international actors and civil society partners met in a consultation chaired by Totò Martello, Mayor of Lampedusa, on the distinct visions and thematic priorities to inform the co-creation process that will lead to the Lampedusa Charter. (+)
UCLG Secretariat and PLATFORMA  members became the first trainers of Learning Module 4: Localizing the SDGs through Decentralized Cooperation (DC). Between 28 April and 4 May, participants embarked on a dynamic programme taking them through the six chapters of UCLG Learning’s latest training of the trainers module, exploring the ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘who’ and ‘how’ of DC and its effective implementation for the SDGs. (+)
Call for the end of violence in Palestine and Israel
ciudadesdepaz, Paz, Peace - 25/05/2021
The membership of United Cities and Local Governments is deeply concerned about the increasing violence and tension in Palestine and Israel. More than 200   have   lost   their   lives,   and   over   a thousand Palestinians have been... (+)
