
100 years ago one of the Founding Organizations of UCLG, International Union of Local Authorities, held its first Congress in Gent Belgium. This Union became the ‘nerve centre’ for city international relations and marked the beginning of the international municipal movement.... (+)
Local Governance - 17/05/2013
Communication of the Commission: “Empowering Local Authorities in partner  countries for enhanced governance and more effective development outcomes”  PLATFORMA welcomes the adoption of the new Commission Communication on local and regional authorities in partner... (+)
UCLG Secretary General Josep Roig arrived in Doha to participate in the 16th Conference of The Arab Town Organisation (ATO) held from May 14 to 16 and entitled "Cities and The Challenges of Sustainable Development”. UCLG and ATO towards a new development agenda The role played by Arab... (+)
Local Governance - 09/05/2013
The World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders will be a special event: the first UCLG Summit to be held in Africa, with Rabat as the host city. It will be an opportunity to highlight the potential of this continent, to learn first-hand of the major democratic and local governance reforms that have been carried out in Morocco in recent years and to pay tribute to this international city with important cultural heritage and legacy. (+)
Following the first Forum of Regions in Dakar, regional representatives will meet once again in Lyon, France on 6-7 June 2013 in conjunction with the Executive Bureau of UCLG and advocate for enhancing their visibility and recognition in the global agenda. This Forum... (+)
- 29/04/2013
Today, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) launches the 'Rabat 2013' web platform for its World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders, to be held in Rabat, Morocco, this October. The platform will provide information on the strategic and thematic debates of the Summit, and will function as a resource for the exchange of good practices. (+)
