Gender Equality, Urban Agenda, Habitat III - 10/04/2013
United Cities and Local Governments will facilitate the inputs of local and regional authorities during the sessions of the 24th Governing Council of UN Habitat that will be held on 15-19 April in Nairobi, Kenya.
The 2013 Session of this Council is of particular importance in view of the upcoming... (+)
High Level Panel, Post-2015 - 02/04/2013
The UN HLP Post 2015 met in Bali, Indonesia on 25-27 March to continue the work commissioned by the United Nations Secretary General to recommend an ambitious yet achievable framework for the world’s post-2015 development agenda. The Bali meeting focused on how to build a global partnership and... (+)
The Third UCLG Global Report on Decentralisation, GOLD III, is currently contributing to the debate on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and on the Post 2015 agenda by presenting the vision of local authorities on the current situation of basic services in different regions of... (+)
Post-2015, Global Taskforce, Habitat III - 20/03/2013
The Local and Regional Governments Development Agenda
Local and Regional Governments organizations gathered in a Global Taskforce for Post 2015 are fully committed to end extreme poverty in all its forms, in the context of sustainable development, and to contribute to put in place the building blocks... (+)
Safer cities, Gender Equality - 18/03/2013
On 13-14 March, representatives of the Global Network on Safer Cities (GNSC) gathered in New York City to establish a global agenda for a safer future in the cities of the world.
The meeting concluded on the idea that a “change in mentalities and strategies” was necessary. In this... (+)
Access to basic services, Local Governance - 08/03/2013
Over the following months, UCLG will hold several regional workshops to discuss the role of Local Government in the Governance of Local Basic Service in the different world regions. As part of the Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralization, UCLG produces a triennial Global Report (GOLD... (+)