
Local Governance - 14/01/2013
Iñaki Azkuna, Mayor of Bilbao, has been awarded the 2012 World Mayor Prize. It has been said that Bilbao’s transformation from a declining industrial city in Spain’s northern Basque Province to an international centre for tourism and the arts has been sparked off by two events: the... (+) revamped to celebrate 10 years!!
- 04/03/2014
To mark 10 years since its creation, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the global network that represents and defends the interests of local and regional governments on the international scene, is launching a new version of its website - more intuitive, more modern, more user-friendly and complete with the latest content. (+)
- 19/10/2022
We are living in difficult times, times in which no one can, we cannot, neither individually nor as a society, remain oblivious to the global and international situation we are going through. We have seen that no city, however small it may be, and none of the people who live in it, can ignore the... (+)
New opportunities to showcase and synchronize local sustainability initiatives through our Local4Action HUBs initiative!
- 07/06/2021
The Local4Action HUBs are an initiative by UCLG aimed at anchoring its international strategy on localizing the Sustainable Development Goals, in members’ practices and initiatives. (+)
#CitiesAreListening Experience brings together all spheres of government and the international community to hold a dialogue on subnational urban policy and launch the new publication “Subnational Urban Policies: A Guide”.
The mandate that arises from the #CitiesAreListening experiences is to transcend from social distance to a world driven by communities. As a step to deliver this mandate, UN-Habitat, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), with the support of the Andalusian Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AACID), have developed a Sub-National Urban Policy: A Guide as an instrument to support urban management for governments and stakeholders. (+)
Webinar: Local and regional governments in the SDG reporting process – Towards the HLPF 2020
Action learning - 23/03/2020
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and the Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) Working Group are organizing a series of webinars on the role of local and regional governments and their associations in reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (+)
