
This blog is a space for knowledge-sharing, opinion, advocacy and debate, both between UCLG members and the wider international local and regional government community. Contributions and comments are welcome from anyone who is interested in how sub-national governments can make the world a better place for their citizens.

Read on to discover the most varied, up-to-date and innovative initiatives of local governments and their partners from across the globe.

We are at last in the final stretch of a number of processes that will define how we approach the key challenges of the 21st century, one of which is the world’s increasingly fast urbanization. (+)
- 15/06/2015
In times of reduced budgets for co-operation, the need to reinforce collaborative efforts between individuals, cities, local governments, associations and networks is greater than ever and it is crucial for members and partners to take advantage of the lessons of peer learning. (+)
Climate change - 11/06/2015
An array of global negotiations on climate change and our global future is about to occur. But so far these talks are including scant voice for cities, even though these areas now represent, for the first time in history, a majority of mankind. (+)
Habitat III - 28/05/2015
The notion that public space is a key point of entry to sustainable development in an urbanizing word is gaining greater recognition as national and local policy makers, professionals and civil society actors advance towards Habitat III. (+)
In this interview, Sara Hoeflich de Duque, Programme Manager at United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) provides an in-depth analysis of the role of local authorities in promoting the Decent Work Agenda at the local level and also reflects more broadly on their contribution to implementing the new sustainable development agenda more broadly. (+)
In 2007, the share of the world’s population living in urban areas surpassed 50 %. By 2030, approximately 80 % of the developing world’s population will live in cities. What can be done now to ensure that these cities can cope with such growth sustainably? (+)
