
This blog is a space for knowledge-sharing, opinion, advocacy and debate, both between UCLG members and the wider international local and regional government community. Contributions and comments are welcome from anyone who is interested in how sub-national governments can make the world a better place for their citizens.

Read on to discover the most varied, up-to-date and innovative initiatives of local governments and their partners from across the globe.

Pour protéger les habitants des villes des effets du changement climatique, les élus ne peuvent se contenter de projets ponctuels de réduction des vulnérabilités (infrastructures de drainage pluvial, systèmes d’alerte précoce…). Il faut, d’une part, élaborer de véritables plans d’adaptation et, d’autre part, intégrer cette préoccupation dans l’ensemble des politiques publiques locales. (+)
SDGs, Habitat III - 13/10/2015
The dominant processes that drive cities’ economic success, especially investments in new or expanding businesses, do not of themselves produce healthy cities, or sustainable or inclusive cities, or cities adapted to the effects of climate change. Or cities that are keeping their greenhouse-gas emissions to a minimum. (+)
SDGs - 08/10/2015
UCLG explains why all 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda matter to local governments in a new guide for localleaders. (+)
Urban future
Since the proportion of the global population that lives in cities tipped over 50% in 2008, it has become a truism in international development circles to talk of our “urban future”, to reel off statistics about rapid urbanization in the global South, and to proclaim that the battle for sustainable development will be won or lost in cities. (+)
SDGs, Habitat III - 21/09/2015
The U. N. General Assembly opened its 70th session this week amidst multiple burning issues, including sectarian war and violence in the Middle East that have led to a refugee crisis so severe as to have no precedent in decades. (+)
SDGs, Post-2015 - 25/09/2015
This week, more than 150 world leaders will come to New York for the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 where an ambitious new agenda for sustainable development will be adopted -- the Sustainable Development Goals. (+)
