The IOPD Distinction Best Practice in Citizen Participation seeks to recognize innovative experiences in the field of participatory democracy, coordinated by local governments, which may be susceptible to reply. Local government’s members of the IOPD can be submitted to this distinction, which is awarded annually as part of the Conference of the IOPD. An international jury is responsible for assessing applications and decides the winner.
9th Distinction - 2015
Local government’s members of the IOPD can submit nominations between September 29 and November 29, 2014.
Nominations should be sent by email to [email protected] and must include:
- Complete Award Application Form (formed Word)
- Summary of Experience (maximum two pages in Word format)
- Photographs of the experience
- Optionally other documents: videos, summaries, reports...
8th Distinction - 2014:
The 8th Edition of Distinction was awarded to the city of Chengdu (China) for the experience "Participatory Budgeting in rural public services."
Furthermore special mentions were awarded to the following experiences:
- Public Management in the Productive and Social Empowerment: A Participatory Experience in partnership with Rural Communities Huachis (Peru)
- “Contraloria Ciudadana” in Mexico City (Mexico)
- Participatory Gender Responsive Budgeting - Penang (Malaysia)
Below you will find the documents of the eight distinctions with the summaries of the candidacies submitted. For more details visit space applications "experiences"
Source: www.oidp.net