UCLG and the Smart City Expo World Congress have been collaborating on several editions. For the 2018 edition, UCLG, as supporting institution, is organizing a series of sessions in order to promote the leading role of cities towards sustainable development. The sessions will focus the importance of integrated approaches that contribute to the creation of more liveable urban environments, through a process of localization of the Global Agendas at local level.
Highlights of the programme
On Tuesday 13 November 10:15 – 11:20 a High-level panel with mayors entitled “How city leaders can better foster innovation for liveable cities” will be organized. The session will explore how the mobility sector is evolving and how local governments are facing these challenges. There is the urgent need to need to plan the cities we want, and to take into consideration future technological leaps in sustainable mobility solutions towards greater equity.
Local and regional governments are on the front line of addressing these challenges, and we lead the way towards the identification and implementation of innovative solutions. During the session, the speakers will share their insights and good practices on creating and implementing urban mobility projects.
On Wednesday 14 November at 14:00 – 15:00, we will organize a session on Localizing the SDGs at the West Agora room.
As we move towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the capacity and hands-on experience of local and regional governments is instrumental to achieve the goals set by the international community. The 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an opportunity to demonstrate that it is in towns, cities and territories where development becomes tangible.
This agora session aims to be a space to present some process and tools developed within the UCLG network. Through an interactive dialogue participants will discuss the added value related to the localization of the SDGs as common framework to work towards the sustainable future at local level.
Again on the West Agora room, on Thursday 15 November at 13:45 – 14:45 UCLG will convene a session on “Intermediary Cities and the localization of SDGs”.
Intermediary cities play a key role in the achievement of more balanced and sustainable urban development processes, and the reduction of territorial inequalities.
This session will present a general framework on the specific character and some of the key challenges specific to intermediary cities. Participants will be able to explore, some examples at local level, that integrate strategies of participation with the localization of SDGs.
Don’t miss such an exciting programme for local and regional governments and join us at the Smart City World Congress!
- Visit the Smart City World Congress website.
- Read the press release.
- Follow the event on social media using the hashtags #SCEWC18 and #Listen2Cities.