The first Urban 20 Mayors Summit will take place in the City of Buenos Aires, in October 29-30. Through the Urban 20 (U20) initiative, cities will be contributing to the G20 process more than ever before, as it is conceived as a space for dialogue and cooperation between major cities and the G20 national governments. The U20 initiative was launched in 2017 under the leadership of the Mayor of the City of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, and the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.
It seeks to coordinate a joint position among the Mayors of G20 major cities to inform and enrich the discussions of national leaders at the 2018 G20 Summit, to be held in Buenos Aires in November.
Co-convened by C40 in collaboration with UCLG, U20 rallies 27 major cities worldwide: Barcelona, Beijing, Berlin, City of Buenos Aires, Chicago, Durban, Hamburg, Houston, Jakarta, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Melbourne, Mexico City, Milan, Montreal, Moscow, New York, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Sydney, Tokyo, and Tshwane.
Worldwide major cities engage with the G20
The Urban 20 (U20) initiative actively engages Mayors with the G20 process, by feeding the global agenda of national governments with local perspectives. U20 also enshrines a commitment by cities to respond to existing global challenges.
It is envisaged that the work of U20 continues in 2019, under Tokyo’s leadership and building on the legacy of Buenos Aires and Paris.
Highlights of the Summit’s programme
Monday, 29 October will be devoted to thematic meetings. Climate action, the future of work, social integration, women empowerment and access to finance are among U20’s priority issues that Mayors will address during the first day of the Summit.
The following day, on Tuesday 30th October Mayors will hand over a set of recommendations on these topics to Mauricio Macri, President of Argentina and G20 host.
Participation at the Summit is open to the general public, but registration is required here.
- Visit www.urban20.org
- Read the joint statement