
- 06/05/2022
Anne Hidalgo, co–president of UCLG, Mayor of Paris, President of the International Association of Francophone Mayors and Robert Beugré Mambé, Secretary General of the International Association of Francophone Mayors and Vice President for Africa of the C40, will hold an international summit of Mayors for climate on July 1 and 2, a joint initiative with the AIMF, meant to be a “COP of cities” in Africa.   (+)
- 07/04/2022
Join our peer learning event on Local and Regional Government (LRG) actions towards Migration and Displacement in contexts of crisis from the 11-13 April, organized by UCLG as part of  the Mayors Mechanism (MM), co-steered with the Mayors Migration Council (MMC) and the International Organization on Migration (IOM) (+)
- 06/04/2022
The World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments Five years after the agreement on the New Urban Agenda by Member-States, the first review on its implementation (Quito+5) will take place in New York from 26 to 28 April 2022 through the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly... (+)
- 31/03/2022
Building on the success of the four first editions of the International Award UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21, the World Organisation United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) has launched a call for the 5th edition of the Award, to be held in 2021-2022Building on the success of the four first editions of the International Award UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21, the World Organisation United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) has launched a call for the 5th edition of the Award, to be held in 2021-2022 (+)
Local Feminist Leadership for transformative caring policies
On International Women’s Day, March 8, UCLG reaffirms its commitment with the promotion of a municipal feminist movement, where local and regional governments foster transformative agendas for equality. We salute the efforts of women around the world in their caring roles and peace makers.  We call on additional support and mobilization to provide protection to displaced, refugees and migrants’ women.   (+)
- 09/03/2022
The 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee of the World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment enjoyed a strong and active participation. Convened on Thursday 20 January in virtual format, the meeting gathered more than 80 participants: UCLG and the OECD, founders  and leaders of the Observatory, were joined by all of the Observatory’s technical and financial partners (UNCDF, AFD, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, GIZ, the DeLoG network, the Council of Europe Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank), representatives of national governments, UCLG's regional sections and committees, development banks, United Nations agencies and academics to take stock of the Observatory’s work and the ongoing preparation of its next publication, scheduled for mid-2022.  (+)
