UCLG World Council 2020 - Guangzhou

The World Council has come to an end! Thank you all for coming with us through this journey, together with the City of Guangzhou! Stay tuned for more #UCLGMeets next year!

The UCLG World Council took place virtually on 11-13 November 2020 and will be hosted by the city of Guangzhou. This gathering was a full week of meetings,coinciding with the anniversary of the UCLG leadership elections last year in Durban. 
The first days of the #UCLGMeets week were dedicated to meetings of our Committees. 
The statutory sessions of the World Council were scheduled as follows:

  • Committee on Statutory Affairs on 10 November (for members of the committee only).
  • Financial Management Committee on 11 November (for members of the Committee only).
  • Executive Bureau on 12 November.
  • World Council on 13 November.

There were Policy Debates during each of the statutory sessions dedicated to the critical issues identified by the UCLG Decalogue as critical to a Post-COVID world, namely: addressing inequalities, green recovery and financing public service provision.
High Level Dialogues with international partners were also be part of an intensive programme marked by the one year anniversary of the Presidency and of the Durban Declaration which guides the work of the Organization.

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Day 1: Monday 9 November 2020 - UCLG Committees
Day 2:  Tuesday 10 November 2020 - UCLG Committees and Institutional Committees
Day 3: 11 November 2020 - UCLG Committees and Institutional Committees
Day 4: Thursday 12 November 2020 - UCLG Executive Bureau
Day 5: Friday 13 November 2020 - UCLG World Council

Day 1: Monday 9 November 2020 - UCLG Committees

The first day of our  first ever virtual World Council hosted by the City of Guangzhou set the scene for the days to come with the meetings of the UCLG Committees. The first day of the #UCLGmeets week saw the meetings of the Permanent Working Group on Territorial Prevention and Management of Crises and the meeting of the Committee on Urban Strategic Planning. 

Opened by the Mayor of Geneva, and Chair of the Working Group Sami Kanaan the meeting addressed the presentation of the charter of the UCLG International Solidarity Fund and participants discussed possible coordinated actions to support Libanese partners in light of the recent events, as well as local and regional governments facing the COVID-19 crisis.The UCLG International Solidarity Fund will be open for all type of members and partners to contribute. It will aim at strengthening local governance and will be implemented by collaborations between UCLG members. 

Cities are able to bring concrete solutions: the Fund is an excellent example of this and it is a way to show mutual support and solidarity and to help with concrete problems around the world: it will work on the basis of generosity and solidarity, and will be based on the legitimacy and knowledge of local governments on the ground”. Sami Kanaan, Mayor of Geneva 

“This year is particularly important due to the special situation we are all going through. It is fitting to start the week with this working group, showcasing how much solidarity matters for us, and how much solidarity is in our DNA" Emilia Saiz, Secretary General of UCLG 

The meeting of the UCLG Committee on Urban Strategic Planning addressed the focus areas of the Committee for 2021 and beyond, with a special focus on public space and mental health, which will be a crucial part of its activities in the coming year.

"The worldwide migration process from the countryside to the cities has provided us with a very big challenge. We must partner to exchange experiences to bring a new path to the cities" Jorge Alberto Giorno. Undersecretary of the Coordination Unit of the Strategic Planning Council 

Tomorrow the #UCLGMeets World Council will host the first meeting of the UCLG Institutional Committees with the meeting of the Committee on Statutory Affairs. Stay tuned for more!

Day 2 Tuesday 10 November 2020 - UCLG Committees and Institutional Committees

The second day of our #UCLGmeets World Council hosted the first meeting of the UCLG Institutional Committees with the session of the Committee on Statutory Affairs.  The Committee on Statutory Affairs, addressed the renewal of the UCLG Policy Councils, which will be expanded upon with the new Policy Council on the New Urban Agenda, essential for our reporting work as we approach 2021, the year of reporting to the NUA.

The Committee on Statutory Affairs also highlighted the importance of the work done by the UBUNTU advisory board, that has allowed the World Organization to expand its outreach, and addressed the three new UBUNTU Advisors. President and Mayor of Al-Hoceima Mohamed Boudra, who chaired the meeting, also commemorated the upcoming 70th anniversary of the European Section, CEMR, as well as Mercociudades’ 25th anniversary, and commended FLACMA for its recently-held Assembly in which Copresident Johnny Araya was elected President.

"The appointment of new UBUNTU advisers emerges from the need to address the challenges of the post-COVID-19 world, which have been exacerbated. It will enable our World Organization to strengthen its strategy, accompanying and nurturing its advocacy in the international sphere, and building on the work of the first UBUNTU Advisory Board". Mohamed Boudra, Mayor of Al-Hoceima, UCLG President

The new UBUNTU advisors are: Maria Fernanda Espinosa, 73rd President of the United Nations General Assembly; Barbara Samuels, Executive Director of the Global Clearinghouse for Development Finance; and Prof. Kazuhiko TAKEUCHI, President of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). They will build on the work done by the rest of the UBUNTU advisors, and contribute to expand our outreach and our advocacy efforts towards the UN and other stakeholders.

The European Caucus convened by the European Section CEMR also took place through the day, where the European members gathered for the discussions of the World Council as well as an open session of the Committee on Local and Social Economic Development, where two dialogues were held on the role of the Committee facing the COVID-19 challenge and on women’s economic empowerment. The meeting also addressed the upcoming Forum on Local Economic and Social Development, that will be centered around digitalization of the economy, transition to a green and sustainable economy, social dialogue, and the leading role of women and youth.

“Local and regional governments have demonstrated their capacity to respond to situations of crisis, and capacity to react. UCLG's fundamental role is to ensure that Local and regional governments are not just that part of the institutional framework that provides a reactive response in crisis situations, but that we occupy our place in that previous phase: planning” Paco Toajas, Mayor of Las Cabezas de San Juan,  President of the UCLG Committee on Local Economic Development

More #UCLGMeets tomorrow with more UCLG Committees meetings, the meeting of the Financial Management Committee and an open session of the International Municipal Investment Fund. Don’t miss it! 

 Day 3: 11 November 2020 - UCLG Committees and Institutional Committees

The third day of the #UCLGMeets World Council hosted by the city of Guangzhou kicked off with the meeting on Urban Innovation During Covid Times organized by the UCLG Community of Practice on Urban Innovation. Through an interactive session experts on urban innovation as well as city representatives discussed about the new trends on urban innovation emerged during the pandemic and how urban innovation helps the recovery.

The Guangzhou International Award  has collected over 100 cases of urban governance and innovation, and it is conducive to the achievement of the SDGS and the NUA . It is safe to say that award is more pertinent than ever, as we highlight innovative measures that can help us achieve sustainable urban governance beyond the pandemicMr. Sun Xiuqing, Deputy Secretary General, Guangzhou Municipal Government

Prior to the first meeting, Secretary General Emilia Saiz attended a press conference with Guangzhou media in which she laid out the challenges that UCLG has faced in facing the pandemic, but also the perspectives of the World Organization looking towards the recovery. Strengthening international cooperation, involving communities in the decision-making processes and rethinking the international governance system as well as reevaluating our relationship with the planet will be critical for a recovery that leaves no-and no place behind.

The day was followed by a meeting of the Financial Management Committee, chaired by Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener and Treasurer of UCLG, which evaluated the financial health of the organization and addressed the budget and the financial state of our organization moving forward. The Financial Management Committee addressed the closure of the previous financial year, as well as the budget for 2021, and the approval of the UCLG International Solidarity Fund.

“In spite of the trying circumstances that the world is going through, our network is demonstrating the importance of learning from each other and letting our united voice be heard. Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener, UCLG Treasurer

An open session of the UCLG Committee on Culture took place on this 3rd day of the World Council. The official Opening of the meeting was held by the Co-Presidents of the Committee, Enrique Avogadro, Minister for Culture, City of Buenos Aires; Catarina Vaz-Pinto, Deputy Mayor on Culture of Lisbon and Guadalupe Lozada, Councillor for culture of Mexico City. The session also had participants from the Committee such as Luca Bergamo, Vice Mayor of Rome and Vice President of the UCLG Committee on Culture, Gonzalo Olabarría, Councillor of Culture of Bilbao,  Participants discussed the work plan for 2021 including the Rome 2020 Charter process, the Seven Keys learning tool and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Onur Eryuce, Counsellor to the Mayor of Izmir, shared the excitement of the city of Izmir towards hosting the 4th UCLG Culture Summit.

“In view of the Agenda 2030 we must reflect on the new normality and see how to respond with culture to the challenges that ariseGuadalupe Lozada, Councillor for culture of Mexico City. 

“We have tried to provide answers to the COVID-19 crisis from the point of view of culture. This has been one of the most important things of this Network - to provide information and bring us together and find solutions to our problems, particularly to face the COVID-19 crisis. Catarina Vaz-Pinto, Deputy Mayor on Culture of Lisbon, and Copresident of UCLG Committee on Culture

The importance of the committee is more relevant in crisis than before. We are hoping to learn from this crisis that the network is stronger if we participate. We are committed to the idea of sharing best practices, projects, and making culture a bridge in this time of distance Enrique Avogadro, Minister for Culture, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and Copresident of UCLG Committee on Culture

The day concluded with a meeting of the International Municipal Investment Fund (IMIF), which brought the main stakeholders of the IMIF to the table to take stock of the progress made and discuss next steps, with the objective of inspiring  other local governments to follow the lead of the pilot cities. It also discussed the preparations of their investment project through technical assistance and agreed on the work priorities for the successful development of the IMIF.

“Cities and local governments are part of the answer to save the planet and improve lives, since it is herewhere the action is. Financing is more around national governments. This is where the dilemma is. The IMIF and the coalition with UCLG are the systems to make this change” David Jackson, Director of Local Development Finance, UNCDF

The IMIF is about moving the ecosystem of investments and merging forces to projects preparation: It should create the culture of working together and create long-term conditions for municipal financial market and be impactful for other cities and regions.”Jean-François Habeau, Executive Director, FMDV

What we are trying to do with tools such as the IMIF does is to show the potential of these intermediary cities to actually attract big investment and to support local service provision in their development. We will continue to push for improving local finance capacities and ensuring that local service provision is part and parcel of the success of any development plan. Emilia Saiz, UCLG Secretary-General

Don’t miss tomorrow the Official Opening of the UCLG World Council hosted by the City of Guangzhou! Follow #UCLGMeets for more!

Day 4: Thursday 12 November 2020 - UCLG Executive Bureau

The UCLG World Council was formally opened on the fourth day in an Opening Ceremony with over 280 participants with the performance of the Guangzhou Youth Choir, in a session that gathered UCLG President and Mayor of  Al-Hoceima Dr. Mohamed Boudra, Vice Chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Liu Qibao; President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) Lin Songtia, and Wen Guohui, Mayor of Guangzhou

"The exceptional situation we have been experiencing for several months has changed the way we work, but has also demonstrated the resilience of our territories, and the key role we must play in continuing to protect our communities and provide essential services, particularly to the most vulnerable". Mohamed Boudra, Mayor of Al-Hoceima, UCLG President

“The pandemic once again shows us that the world is a community with a shared future. Guangzhou has always been committed to promoting innovation, governance improvement, and cooperation among cities so they can contribute to this shared future. Wen Guohui, Mayor of Guangzhou.

“We are willing to increase our communication and coordination with the rest of the world, especially the municipal and local governments around the world, join hands with them in tackling the pandemic and the economic challenges, improve the opening-up efforts and deepen our mutually beneficial cooperationLiu Qibao, Vice Chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 

UCLG has provided us with support to facilitate sharing of experiences. Our joint efforts demonstrate solidarity and partnership in times of difficulty, aiming to enhance multilateral cooperation, boost cooperation of cities and national governments in beating the virus” Lin Songtia,President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) 

The Opening was followed by a Policy Debate on Addressing Inequalities, key in the COVID era, which introduced the upcoming GOLD VI Report . Director General of the IOM Antonio Vitorino, Qu Dongyu, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Ms Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of UN-Habitat framed the debate, which was followed by interventions by the Mayor of Rabat, Mohamed Sadiki, Prefect of Pichincha Paola Pabón, Philippe Rio, Mayor of Grigny, Johnny Araya, Mayor of San José, UCLG Copresident, Carlos Martínez, Mayor of Soria, UCLG Presidential envoy on the New Urban Agenda, Evgeniya Lodvigova, Vice-Mayor of Kazan, and Garth Frizzell, President of the Federation of Canadian Municipality. Representatives from Academia Caren Levy, Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College of London and from the Civil Society Adriana Allen, President of the Habitat International Coalition, who  framed the importance of developing new pathways to address the inequalities.

“A world without covid-19 is possible, up to us to make it real. The international municipal movement has a crucial role to play in recovery. Cities and local gov should be the points of departure for the recovery.” Maimunah Mohd. Sharif, Executive Director of UN-Habitat

“Many cities and communities have been exposed to food insecurity, obesity is on the rise, and there is a rapid diffusion of non-communicable diseases. Mainstreaming urban food systems, green spaces and people well-being are key areas for sustainable development”, Mr Qu Dongyu, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

“We need reform of multilateralism, but perhaps something new: plurilateralism”. Local and regional governments bring something to the global table that other stakeholders cannot: legitimacy, political willingness, organizational structure to sustain change.Adriana Allen, President of the Habitat International Coalition 

The day wrapped up with the Business Session of the Executive Bureau. Hosted by Mayor of Al-Hoceima and UCLG President Mohamed Boudra, Mayor of Xi’an and Copresident of UCLG Li Mingyuan, Mayor of Polokwane and Copresident of UCLG Thembisile Nkadimeng, the session highlighted the Local4Action Hubs, an initiative to highlight experiences that the membership is putting in place to enhance collaboration and showcase localization actions internationally, with highlights from Bilbao, the Barcelona Provincial Council, and the relationship between Venice City Solutions and the Local4Action Hubs.

The Executive Bureau also greenlit the process to renew the Strategic Priorities of the World Organization for 2022-2028. Building on the Durban Political Declaration, and the documents developed learning from the pandemic such as the UCLG Decalogue for the post-COVID 19 era, and the 2020 Rome Charter, the renewal of the strategic priorities is geared towards the development of a Pact for the future of humanity, built with and for the people, with and for the planet, with governments and for governance.

“We do indeed feel the hospitality and vibrancy of Guangzhou today. Let me recall that the past months have been truly an exercise in cooperation,solidarity and friendship. We have shown flexibility, resilience and great capacity to adapt". Li Mingyuan, Mayor of Xi’an, UCLG Copresident,

“I believe the important representation of the UN Agencies and other stakeholders in the meetings we have held until now, are an important testimony to the place that our organization has gained internationally.Thembisile Nkadimeng, Mayor of Polokwane, UCLG Copresident.

“It is time to slowly start looking ahead, even though many parts are still in the middle of the 2nd wave. We will soon start defining our strategic priorities. The Decalogue and other policy documents are important building blocks to this strategy. These papers are coming alive in our Organization.Jan Van Zanen, Mayor of The Hague, UCLG Copresident.

I think I speak for all of us when I say that our gatherings have got off to an impressive start, not only because of the high level of representation and inspiring words, but also because of your continued support.I would like to express to you all my gratitude, solidarity and encouragement to continue to address what remains of this global crisis. I am confident that the work we are doing together will have a positive impact on our communities.” Dr. Mohamed Boudra, President of UCLG.

The day also held an important meeting with a High-Level Policy Dialogue on the Ecological Transition. Introduced by Li Mingyuan, Mayor of Xi’an and UCLG Copresident, the debate addressed the necessary links between democratic processes and carrying out the ecological transition, and the processes developed by international institutions, as well as those based on national representation, and how to create possible synergies between them. 

The session, which boasted over 170 participants, was moderated by Ronan Dantec,Senator of Loire-Atlantique, and UCLG Secretary General Emilia Saiz.  The session gathered among its speakers former french Minister for the Ecological Transition Corinne Lepage, who presented the Declaration of Humanity Rights, the mayor of Izmir Tunç Soyer, the President of the Nouakchott Regional Council Fatimetou Abdel Malick, and mayor of Chefchaouen Mohamed Sefiani, as well as Alison Evison, president of COSLA, representatives from the European Parliament, the Mayor in Charge of International Relations of Dakar, representatives from Seoul, the Province of Santa Fe, and Terrassa, and representatives from the members and partners of the Global Taskforce like Gino Van Begin, Secretary-General of ICLEI, Amanda Eichel, the Executive Director of GCoM, and the Secretaries General of CEMR Fréderic Vallier and UCLG-MEWA Mehmet Duman 

“As local and regional governments, we are ready to catalyze the change that the world needs based on our experiences. Our World Organization UCLG, proposed an approach based on nature, culture and equality to ensure a sustainable recovery building on the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. “  Li Mingyuan, Mayor of Xi’an and UCLG Copresident

The COVID crisis gives us a unique opportunity to redefine ourselves. We can set humanity on new paths. This transition is absolutely essential, not only for us, but most importantly for future generations.” Corinne Lepage, former French Minister for the Ecological Transition.

“We want to see NDCs that do come out of negotiations and see how LRGs can contribute to them. We are asking nations to increase and include opportunities for LRGs to receive and access financing to implement actions on the ground for climate”. Gino van Begin, ICLEI Secretary General.

Day 5: Friday 13 November 2020 - UCLG World Council

The final day of our #UCLGMeets World Council gathered over 300 participants at the opening World Council session.  Dr. Mohamed Boudra, Mayor of Al-Hoceima and UCLG President, opened the session introduced the pact for the future that our World Organization is developing to transform the planet. The opening session, followed up by a Policy Debate on Leading the way to the recovery: towards a new pact for the future, counted on the participation of Volkan Bozkır, President of the United Nations General Assembly, Uğur İbrahim Altay, Mayor of Konya, Song Jingwu, Former Vice-President of CPAFFC and Co-President of UCLG-ASPAC, Hu Hong, Vice Mayor of Guangzhou, and a video address from the United Nations Secretary General António Guterres

“I would like us to be sincere, open and bold, and to have interactive exchanges from which we can learn, and thus continue to ensure that the work of our Organization remains as relevant as possible and as close as possible to the demands of our members and communities.”  Mohamed Boudra, President of UCLG, Mayor of Al-Hoceima

It is necessary to respond to the most vulnerable and cities are only as resilient as their most vulnerable. In this context, the digital divide between urban and rural and developed and developing countries is clear. To fully realize sustainable cities, we need to address the issue of inclusion.” Volkan Bozkır, President of the United Nations General Assembly

“We know that the UN will be supportive of our work from now. We are looking forward to seeing a stronger UCLG in the future because we know that the work that we do is more important than ever and we look forward to have UCLG to be an observer to the United Nations.” Uğur İbrahim Altay, Mayor of Konya, UCLG Copresident.

“Local and regional governments have a key role to play in harnessing transformative power of urbanization. You are key to connect the dots. Your action can drive us towards cleaner patterns of consumption.” Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General

“We hope to facilitate the recovery and also of the economy. In ASPAC region, countries have cooperated and given support to each other to fight this virus. Song Jingwu, Former Vice-President of CPAFFC and Co-President of UCLG-ASPAC

“This meeting is held against the backdrop of the Covid19 pandemic. I would like to thank you for trusting Guangzhou: our commitment to cooperation has never changed.” Hu Hong, Vice Mayor of Guangzhou.

The Policy Debate that followed was framed by Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights and  Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization framed the debate, in a conversation that aimed at setting the groundwork for delivering the Pact for the Future that will be the guide of the municipal movement in the coming years. Barbara Samuels, Executive Director of the Global Clearinghouse for Development Finance and newly appointed UCLG UBUNTU advisor, Geoff Makhubo, Mayor of Johannesburg, Garth Frizzell, President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Ellen van Selm, Mayor of Opsterland, Member of the Board of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), Gunn Marit Hegelsen, First Deputy President of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS), Norway, Co-President of the Council of European Municipalities, and Arnaud Ngatcha, Deputy Mayor of Paris set out the initiatives of mayors during the pandemic, and the measures needed to leave no-one behind in the aftermath. Souad Abderrahim, Mayor of Tunis,Roland Schäffer, Mayor of Bergkamen,  and Carlos Martínez, Mayor of Soria, UCLG Presidency Envoy for the Urban Agenda, Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener, Treasurer of UCLG, Christian di Candia, Mayor of Montevideo participated in the debate by taking the floor.

“We have to change our mindsets, develop new vocabulary, new partners, new actions and you at local level need to be the pioneers” Barbara Samuels, Executive Director of the Global Clearinghouse for Development Finance, new UCLG-UBUNTU Advisor 

“To ensure the sustainability of services, we have to turn towards the democratic ownership of services. This would allow for all to access this and local government and local communities can work hand in hand to do this and ensure all can grow. Remunicipalization is a people centered initiative.” Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights.

“We cannot go back to business as usual. Cities are the champions of the safe and green urban areas of the future. Working together we can build a safer and healthier world.” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization.

The World Council came to an end with the celebration of its Business Session, the main policymaking body of our municipal movement. The session was divided into four different segments. The introductory segment, chaired by UCLG Copresident and Mayor of Polokwane Thembisile Nkadimeng, was titled “powering the organization” and aimed at providing updates on the immediate matters of the organization and introduced the Pact for the Future, adopted yesterday by our Executive Bureau.

The other three, titled “UCLG Acting for people”, “UCLG Acting for planet”, and “UCLG Acting for government” echoed the three components of said Pact for the future, and were chaired by UCLG Copresident and Mayor of Utrecht Jan Van Zanen, Copresident Nkadimeng, and UCLG President and Mayor of Al-Hoceima Dr. Mohamed Boudra. Each of these segments included the views of mayors and political representatives members of the World Council, as well as partners from the civil society, Academia, and other stakeholders who aimed at bringing forward their views and their commitments towards the transformation of the planet and carrying out the Pact.

A total of 23 speakers took the stage at the business session. María Soledad Cisternas Reyes, UN Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility; Sami Kanaan, Mayor of Geneva, Co-Chair of the UCLG Permanent Working Group on Territorial Prevention and Management of Crises; Salvatore Martello, Mayor of Lampedusa, José Ribeiro, Mayor of Valongo; André Viola, President of Aude County; Mustafa Tunç Soyer, Mayor of Izmir; Luca Bergamo, Vice-Mayor of Rome; and Dr. Gholamhossein Mohammadi, Advisor to Mayor of Tehran and president of Communications and International Affairs Center addressed the importance of a people-driven recovery at the UCLG Acting for People.

"The 2020 Rome Charter serves the endeavor of cultural participation as both necessary and instrumental to equity, justice and human dignity; in a word, as essential to every city’s and to our planet’s sustainable development" Luca Bergamo, Vice-Mayor of Rome.

“I see the interest of UCLG to enter into alliances with the UN and I think that the alliance with the mandate of the Special Envoy on Disability is a concrete fruit to work specifically on accessibility, connecting us with different actors to give strength to this issue” María Soledad Cisternas Reyes, UN Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility

“At the UCLG Culture Summit in Izmir, we will work to promote Culture as the 4th pillar of Sustainable Development, to provide our societies with the tools for co-creation and freedom. We want the Culture SUmmit to be a part of cultural revitalization” Mustafa Tunç Soyer, Mayor of Izmir

Pablo Jurado, President of the Consortium of Provincial Autonomous Governments from Ecuador (CONGOPE), Vice-President of UCLG for the Forum of Regions; Miguel Lunghi, Mayor of Tandil; Mohamed Sefiani, Mayor of Chefchaouen, Chair of the UCLG Forum on Intermediary Cities; Laia Bonet, Deputy Mayor of Barcelona; and Emilio Jatón, Mayor of Santa Fe, Argentina addressed the need for a true ecological transition, driven by communities, and a more positive relationship with nature at the UCLG Acting for Planet segment.

“Digital transformation cannot leave anyone behind. We need an important change. We need digital and ecological rights, and we need new institutions to deliver them” Laia Bonet, Vice Mayor of Barcelona

“The recovery must be resilient and green, localized, especially in the South. It must also be an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of global agendas. The Forum on Intermediary Cities is committed to working towards this and to the global compact for the planet” Mohamed Sefiani, Mayor of Chefchaouen, President of the UCLG Forum on Intermediary Cities.


Ilsur Metshin, Mayor of Kazan, Chair of the United Nations Advisory Committee for Local Authorities (UNACLA); Philip Rode, Head of the London School of Economics Cities; Carlos Martínez, Mayor of Soria, Envoy of the UCLG Presidency on the New Urban Agenda; Nuria Marín, Mayor of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, President of Barcelona Provincial Council; Souad Ben Abderrahime, Mayor of Tunis; José Alfonso Suárez del Real, Secretary of Government of Mexico City; Fatimetou Abdel Malick, President of Nouakchott Regional Council; Paola Pabón, Governor of Pichincha; Linda Voortman, Co-Mayor of Utrecht; and Carola Gunnarsson, Mayor of Sala, Vice-President of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), Vice-President of UCLG for Europe addressed the need for a renewal of local democracy and strengthening the link between institutions and communities at the final segment, UCLG Acting for Government

“UNACLA has an important role to play in promoting the idea that the NUA is the first step towards localization. IT will guide us to achieve the SDGs and Paris agreement” Ilsur Metshin, Mayor of Kazan, Chair of the United Nations Advisory Committee for Local Authorities (UNACLA)

“A participatory approach to governance will be essential to build more resilient societies and make sure no one is left behind. Citizens must be at the center of this process and must be engaged in an accessible, transparent and open way.” Carola Gunnarsson, Mayor of Sala, Vice-President of UCLG